Frequently Asked Questions

  • At its core, intuitive animal communication is the art of listening and understanding on a level that surpasses the limitations of spoken language. It is a way of tapping into the universal language of the heart, where empathy and compassion flourish. Through intuitive animal communication, individuals learn to quiet their minds, open their hearts, and attune to the energy and signals emanating from animals. Intuitive animal communication often involves the practitioner adopting a meditative state, allowing them to quiet their minds and become attuned to the animal's presence. By doing so, they open themselves to receiving and interpreting the animal's messages, emotions, and needs. The process may involve receiving mental images, physical sensations, or simply an overall sense of the animal's thoughts and intentions. Through these non-verbal cues, the intuitive communicator finds the keys to decode the animal's messages and relay them to their human companions.

  • 1. Preparation and Grounding

    Before the appointment, the animal communicator prepares themselves by entering a calm and focused state. They ground themselves, centering their energy and creating a safe space to connect with the client's animal companion.

    2. Connection and Introduction

    Once ready, the animal communicator initiates the connection by introducing themselves energetically to the animal. Through a meditative state, they send thoughts of love and respect, inviting the animal to participate in the session. This step is crucial as it establishes trust and ensures the animal feels comfortable sharing their thoughts and emotions.

    3. Consultation with the Client

    The client begins by sharing any concerns, questions, or specific issues they wish to address. They may provide details about their animal's behavior, health, environment, or any recent changes that might impact the animal's well-being. This consultation helps the animal communicator gain insight into the client's expectations and tailors the communication accordingly.

    4. Psychic Connection

    Using their intuitive abilities, the animal communicator starts telepathically connecting with the animal. They focus their thoughts and send gentle messages to establish a clear line of communication. Through these non-verbal exchanges, the communicator seeks to understand the animal's feelings, perspectives, desires, and needs.

    5. Active Listening and Interpretation

    As the animal companion begins to express themselves, the animal communicator actively listens, remaining open to all incoming thoughts, emotions, sensations, and images. They provide an unbiased space for the animal to communicate freely, without judgment or interference. It's essential to grasp the nuances conveyed by the animal, translating their often symbolic and abstract messages into understandable words.

    6. Addressing Concerns and Questions

    The animal communicator addresses the specific issues, concerns, or questions raised. They provide explanations, offer potential solutions, and suggest techniques or changes that can enhance the well-being of both the animal and their environment.

    7. Closing and Gratitude

    Before concluding the session, the animal communicator ensures that all important points have been covered and any remaining questions addressed. They express gratitude to the animal for their participation, acknowledging their willingness to connect and share invaluable insights. They also express gratitude to the client for trusting them with this profound connection.

    8. Post-Session Feedback

    After the appointment, the communicator may outline key points discussed and offer practical guidance if necessary. This allows the client to reflect on the communication and implement any recommended changes for the benefit of their animal companions.

  • For new clients, it may be helpful to tell your animal that I will be speaking with them and that it is ok to speak with me. The animal’s name, gender, and a good photograph, with their face clearly visible and no other animals or people in the picture, are required for every session. Some clients write down questions or concerns ahead of our appointment, however, it is not necessary to do so. Many experience the organic nature of the conversation and are able to go with the flow.

    It is best to be calm before & during the session. Your animals do not have to be near you for a session, although you find find it comforting to have them close.

  • It is our policy to speak directly with an animal’s owner and not a third party.

  • Any and all animal species.

  • Animals may be alive or passed. Immediately after passing, there is a small window in which communication may happen that is typically anywhere from 12-30 hours however, timing is unique to each animal and is not guaranteed. After passing, every animal requires a communication-free period, which also varies, so in the case of a recently passed animal, please reach out to discuss your individual needs. Please include a photograph of the animal in your message.

  • For those purchasing 1 or 2 emailed questions, please follow these steps:

    1. Submit a question or questions that are clear and concise.

    2. Attach a photograph of your animal with their face clearly visible. Please do not include any other animals in the picture.

    3. The email must include your animal’s name and gender.

  • At this time, I do not work with lost animals. There are many communicators who specialize in this and a quick google search will yield animal communicators ready to assist you.

  • Yes, Wise Animal Hearts provides services pro bono for specific animal sanctuaries, rescues & service animal organizations.

  • Sessions are never to be considered veterinary advice. It is always recommended that a veterinarian fully evaluate your animal— especially in the case of an urgent or emergent situation. Information provided by animals is always subject to their own interpretation, which is based in the “here and now,” and information provided during a session is never guaranteed. Wise Animal Hearts whole heartedly recommends establishing care with a trusted veterinarian. There are even holistic veterinarians and you can find one near you at:

  • It is our experience that feeding your animals the highest quality, species specific and biologically appropriate food possible is best. Seeking recommendations from a veterinarian specializing in nutrition can be very helpful.

  • Payment is required upon booking an appointment and all major forms of payment are accepted.

  • All sales are final and no refunds will be given including for missed appointments, issues with time zone scheduling, or incorrect client contact information. All appointments are in Eastern Standard Time zone.

    Sessions will only be refunded if an animal refuses to speak with the communicator, a rare, but possible occurrence. If this happens, the first step is to reschedule the appointment (as everyone, including animals, have bad days) and if the animal again refuses, session fee will be refunded.

  • Appointments are scheduled in Eastern Standard Time. Appointments may be rescheduled within 48h of the appointment. No refunds will be given for missed appointments. Please make sure your phone number and contact information are correct. Refunds will not be given if the phone numbers provided are incorrect.

    Any and all information provided by Wise Animal Hearts is not to be considered veterinary, medical, or legal advice. Information is considered for entertainment purposes only. No guarantees about information can be provided. It is always recommended to seek full veterinary evaluation for your animals. Charlotte Mathis is not offering veterinary or medical care, providing veterinary or medical advice, consultation, nor is any communication establishing a patient-clinician relationship whatsoever.

    During any and all forms of communication with Wise Animal Hearts and Charlotte Mathis, you hereby agree to fully release and hold harmless Wise Animal Hearts and Charlotte Mathis from and against any and all claims or liability of any sort.

    All sales are final.